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sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014


Marrying: The Ring Stick

April 17, 2014Filed under Direct MarketingDesign and Other


Getting engaged but don't know your future spouse's ring size? German ring manufacturer Marrying has the perfect solution in the form of its new business card, conceived out of Jung von Matt Hamburg. The retailer approached the agency with the task of improving its customer experience. The agency delivered with this clever design idea, a biz card that turns into a familiar jewelers' tool when it's rolled up - a ring measuring stick.
According to JVM creative director Jonas Keller, "We found out that men often don't know their woman's ring size. Men can secretly slide one of her rings on the stick, find out the size by reading the scale and then buy the perfect ring in the store. Due to an adhesive corner the card remains in its ring stick-shape."

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