Acerca de mim

quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2009


2009 Swine Flu outbreak
In late April, an outbreak of a new strain of H1N1 Influenza, commonly called "swine flu", was detected in Mexico City. The initial spread of the virus appeared to be rapid - that, coupled with several deaths of young, otherwise healthy flu victims raised global awareness and initial alarm. As of today, Mexico has confirmed over 800 infections and 42 deaths resulting from H1N1 - 22 countries worldwide now have reported 1,516 cases of influenza A (H1N1). Recent reports have been more restrained, however, with no apparent evience of a pandemic, milder-than-expected flu symptoms, and a rate of infection only slightly higher than a normal seasonal flu. Collected here are photographs of people in Mexico and around the world dealing with H1N1 or or preparing for possible encounters. (36 photos total)

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